About Eileen

About Me!

Hello!  My aim is to inspire you and the world to express yourselves through art!  Together we will wake up your creativity and discover the power of visual self-expression.  

I have spent the past 30 years of my married life living globally, sharing my time between the USA, Europe and Hong Kong.  We relocated to Hong Kong for the second time in 2010. I love Hong Kong and was pleased to move but sadly I was leaving behind The Butterfly Garden, a very special horticultural therapy program in Gloucestershire, England.  I had begun my time there working as learner support and after 6 years I had initiated an art studio for participants to come and create with others that attended. It is a very special place for anyone with challenges to spread one’s wings.  I highly recommend that you have a look at their amazing program that continues to grow! http://www.thebutterflygarden.org

Not finding the means to engage with art and special needs in Hong Kong, I decided to earn a Masters in Art Therapy (MAAT).  My work continued with profound and multiple disabilities continued throughout the 3.5 years that I studied.

I couldn’t believe my luck to work as an intern at yet another special place- Art Therapy Express (ATE), in Wilmington Delaware. Working with the special needs demographic highlighted the stress that parents and caregivers experience every day.  I piloted a caregiver art therapy program that proved successful with participants grateful for the social and practical support of the group. Have a look at ATE’s website- https://arttherapyexpress.wordpress.com

I am currently working as a private practice art therapist.  I continue to have ties with England and the US providing short-term programs utilizing adapted tools and success oriented techniques to empower clients to explore and achieve personal goals.

A growing body of research supports art therapy to reduce anxiety and depression to improving quality of life, among many other things. We will work together to build your strengths, so that you can face the tough stuff.

Hope to see you soon!

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